What Foods Help Eliminate Candida?

Today many people suffer from candida and yeast overgrowth.  In fact, studies show the amount of people suffering from the common cold/allergies is approximately equal to the number of people candida effects per year.  If left untreated, candida can cause extensive damage to your health specifically in relation to gut health and immune function.  Although treating candida is necessary, it will never be completely eliminated.  Candida is meant to exist in the body and helps to regulate the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. Candida can spread throughout the body very easily and can be difficult to control.  There can be many reasons for the onset of overgrowth, but a few of the common scenarios are as follows: Candida is meant to stay dormant in the cells, however when it comes out of this dormant state poor health begins.

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March 03, 2016 by


What Does Your Poop Mean?

Do you ever wonder if your stool is “normal”?  Did you know your stool says a lot about your overall health?  When your stool looks abnormal it is a good indication that something is not quite right with your body.  The digestion process involves much more than simply the digestion organs.  Hormones, enzymes and circulation are just a few of the many other aspects the digestive process is comprised of. Typically individuals should be having a bowel movement 2-3 times each day.  After every large meal we consume, a bowel movement should follow afterwards.  This is because our bodies feed off of only the nutrients food provides leaving the remains as waste to be eliminated. A healthy bowel should appear as a medium brown “S” shape.  This formation is the best indication of adequate fibre and hydration levels.

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March 03, 2016 by


What is Food Sensitivity (Intolerance)?

Food Sensitivity( intolerance) is often confused as another term for food allergy, although there is actually quite a difference between the two.  An allergy causes an immune system reaction whereas intolerance is typically less serious and usually only limited to the digestive system. If you have a food allergy you should refrain from consuming the item, as the allergic reaction could be life threatening.  With food intolerance, a person may be able to consume small amounts without any trouble.  The key is to keep the quantity small and very seldom because repeatedly eating intolerable foods can wreck havoc on your digestive tract causing other extensive conditions overtime. Although self explanatory, without the presence of all enzymes the body is unable to break down food adequately.

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March 03, 2016 by


What is Helocibacter Pylori (H. pylori) Infection?

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are bacteria that latch themselves onto the lining of the stomach and small intestine. When this bacteria releases toxins, an infection develops. Their presence is very common as about half of the world’s population is likely to be affected although about 90 percent do not experience any symptoms. In industrialized areas, about 20-30 percent of people develop an infection whereas about 70 percent in developing nations. Failing to treat an H. Pylori infection can result in the development of peptic ulcers or even stomach cancer in some cases. Most people develop an infection during childhood, but it is not uncommon to still develop an infection as an adult. Always remember to thoroughly wash your hands with warm soapy water. H. pylori is spread through contact with contaminated food and water.

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March 03, 2016 by